Heart open.
Soul on fire.
Sovereign on your throne.

Enjoy this Deep Dive into Inner Mastery
As we move from Shadow into Sovereignty
And fortify YOU at the Center of Your Own Mandala

What does that looks like...
✔ Quantum Leaps in Health
✔ Abundance in Wealth
✔ Love & Better Relations
✔ New Income Streams
✔ New Miracles
✔ Soul Strength
✔ Bliss
And having powerful, cutting-edge tools to help you stay grounded and clear

The Eye of the Storm

No matter what is happening around you

The Mandala of You
Are you at the center of your life?
Who is sitting on your throne?
Is it your Shadows and Limited, People-pleasing Slave Self
-- OR --
is it Your True Identity as the Divine Sovereign - Warrior - Magician - Lover of your life?

I am the master of my destiny
I own my Life.
I own my Voice.
I own my Gifts.
I take radical responsibility for every aspect of my life.
I am the source of my own power.
I am the source of my own wealth.
I am the source of my own time.
I am the source of my own space.
I am the source of my own well-being.
I am the source of my own everything.
I own my own authority.



✓ You will get clear on who you truly are, what you value, and how you want to design your Life
✓ You will be empowered with the tools to break thru anything that held you back in the past
✓ You will be empowered with the tools to manifest anything that you want for your future
✓ You will learn the basics of Shadow Alchemy, Feeding Your Demons, Soul Clearings, and how to use them to up level your life
✓ You will feel more Freedom, Peace and Power in your Inner Realms of Emotions, Mind, Communication, LifeForce, and Sovereignty.
✓ You will unleash greater levels of Joy, Strength, Wisdom, Life-force, Prosperity and Happiness

I have worked with Jade for two decades now, including as a fellow Black Belt Teacher, Private Client and through 5 of her Group Masterminds. She has helped me weather the storms through so many transitions and difficult times of my life. Without her unconditionally loving support and powerful guidance, I don't know if I would have made it.
I’m so grateful to Jade for her decades of self work because it has culminated in her being a Spiritual Grandmaster -- and I do not throw that word lightly as I know incredible martial arts grandmasters who have been practicing for 40-50 years. Her containers are magical, transformative, unbelievably healing and literally life changing. I will continue to work with her forever!
Betty Sze

I learned how to alchemize so much shadow! I realize now when I am sabotaging myself and can self-correct immediately now!... I have greater self-awareness, I can catch my triggers, I healed a lot of family wounds, and I am able to share my dreams and desires more constructively now. The tools were so powerful! I loved the Shadow Alchemy, Feeding Your Demons, and Family Constellations the best!
Patty Suchy

I have been in Jade's Coaching Containers for over a year now and loving it! I’m doing better on EVERY level, emotionally, mentally, financially. I feel more solid within myself. And I went from being in debt to now paying it all off, and starting 3 new businesses! This Inner Work has really translated into Outer Results and sustainable change..
I am in a state of total contentment and deep gratitude, I can't even recall feeling this calm and self-loving since ever! Thank you Jade for the so very thorough program. It is burrowing through and getting results and I'm feeling very satisfied, creative and alive!
And with her Soul Clearings, I feel like I have been blessed with ENERGETIC SURGERY! I finally feel free to live my True, Empowered Life. From every cell of my Being, THANK YOU for midwifing me through the eye of the needle. Keeping you in my mind and heart with the deepest gratitude!
Terri Maas

Receive Jade's Library of Wisdom Teachings on Inner Mastery
Foundations for Your Queendom
You are meant to be the Master of your Life and the Queen of your Domains ~
And yet the skillsets to do that are not normally taught in our society, nor passed down from our parents or culture.
I’ve steeped myself in ancient & innovative Wisdom Streams for three decades (lifetimes!), and have created a pathway for the embodiment of your fullest Self ~
Here’s a selection of some of the most powerful, cutting-edge tools of consciousness that can help you to gain Inner Mastery, and enjoy more freedom, peace, power & ease as you step into your Soul’s Destiny.
This Course is designed to support you in your Rebirth, in the reclaiming of your Power, and in the creation of the next Golden Chapter of your Life.
Come receive some Practical Magic ~
Enjoy these Wisdom Streams, at your own pace, on your own time, and start living the life you’re meant to live now!
You’re a Queen, you deserve the support.
The beginning of your journey starts here…
Enjoy and absorb these inspiring and supportive teachings, in the convenience of your own home and on your own time ~

The process in which one awakens, sees through the illusion and begins to embody their divine power and responsibility of conscious choice.

Absorb the Cutting-Edge Wisdom Content in Your Own Time, at your own pace, in the comfort of your home.
What's included in the Self Study Course?

Module 1. Establishing The Mandala of You.
- Lay down the empowering framework of You at the center of your own Life, with solid boundaries and your Light Archetypes at the cornerstones of your Queendom.
- From this strong Foundation, you can begin to consciously create the Blessed Life you have always dreamed of living. From here, we begin to create your own Domains, to pour your focus and lifeforce into (instead of the default - pleasing everyone else’s needs and expectations).
- Guided Meditation to anchor into being this Conscious Creatrix & Queen of your life.
Module 2. Intro to the Shadow Alchemy Blueprint.
- This Map of Consciousness will blow your mind! And yet also make so much sense. You will come to a deep understanding of your primary Archetypes as well as their corresponding Shadows, and how this impacts every aspect of your life.
- Learn how to discern your true desires from shadow desires.
- Conduct an energy audit to assess where you leak out your life force and how to shore them up.
- Come to relate to yourself as the true Multidimensional Treasure that you are.
Module 3. Emotional Mastery.
- Experience an Activation of all of your Light Archetypes.
- Learn how to relate to your Emotions as a source of strength & wisdom as you finally place them in their proper perspective, rather than being at the effect of them.
- Learn, in a deeper way, how to alchemize your shadows, so that they don't derail you or sabotage your happiness and success any longer.
Module 4. Turning Your Demons Into Allies.
- You will be guided through an ancient, profound, and powerful process, that transforms your “demons” (any disturbance of the psyche) into sources of strength and power for you.
Module 5. Mental Mastery!
- Come to know the main parts of Your Multifaceted Diamond Mind, and how to work with them in the most beneficial way.
- Learn methods of alchemizing your Subconscious Mind, so that your life doesn't get hijacked or sabotaged by it any longer.
- Be guided through a ZeroPoint; Parallel Universe Manifestation Meditation, to help you expand your capacity to manifest your dreams.
Module 6. Illuminate Your Speech for Conscious Communication.
- Everyone loves this module! Here, you learn a ton of valuable, practical, and yet simple communication skills that will reward you so much in your relationships, business dealings, family dynamics, etc.
- The Power of your Word and use Generative Language to fulfill your dreams.
- Sensitize yourself as you learn the subtle nuances such as – Chakra association, unanswerable questions, and communication intentions.
- Break old, limiting vows and proclaim new, empowering ones.
- Learn about how to create deep rapport and intimacy with people through the power of your active listening and your generous acknowledgments.
Module 7. Ancestral Healing.
- Be guided through a powerful Family Constellations Group Exercise, and learn how to do these for yourself. This tool will help you break the toxic patterns and dysfunctional cycles that you inherited from your family line; and grant you greater freedom, peace, power, and ease – with yourself and others.
Module 8. Archetype Integration Meditation.
- In this Module, I give you a recap of the main lessons and tools of the season and guide you through a powerful Meditation to integrate it all.

- Own Your Power Masterclass: This class will give you the tools to own your throne, your power, your life & all of your divine gifts, and more!
- The Creatrix Codes Masterclass: Harness the power of the GOD codes - Generate, Organize, and Deliver for the creation of your Soul-Aligned Offers and Sacred Business.
- Family Constellation Masterclass: Break your family curses and restore peace and power into the family system.
Total gifted value: $333

- Merging with Your Money Queen: A meditation to call in more abundance and real-life money upgrades.
- Guided Personal Family Constellation: This is a powerful, grace-filled tool to help unravel old toxic patterns and breathe new life and new possibilities into one's present and future.
- How to Lead Your Own Soul Clearing: This helps people to heal trauma, clear distortion, release emotion, receive wisdom, and come back to an empowered soul-centered state.
Total gifted value: $333

The Results
As you absorb this deep well of Wisdom Teachings, you will feel more clarity, freedom, peace, power & ease in your life.
You will also gain powerful tools for Mastery of your Emotions, Mind, Communication, Life-force, etc as you internally anchor yourself into your Sovereignty Mindset.
This is the Inner Mastery Curriculum I wish that I had learned when I was younger! May it empower you deeply! 🙂

"Jade is a wonderful guide who creates a safe space for all and coaches everyone to grow and fulfill their potential"
I am SO GLAD I joined Jade's Mastermind! Compared to when I started, I am at peace now, and I am grateful for my incredible reality (that I used to resent!). I have new tools that will help me: Stay grounded no matter what is happening; Learn from my emotions what I need to work on rather than be ruled by them; Communicate in ways that generate possibilities and disappear complaints/problems.
My relationship with my husband and kids is better too, and I actually taught my 5 year old daughter how to clear her own emotions too! Jade is a wonderful guide who creates a safe space for all and coaches everyone to grow and fulfill their potential. I would highly recommend the Radiant Queens Mastermind to anyone who feels stuck in any way, as it will deliver on its promise to free you from previous claims on your well-being to move forward into an empowered, liberated, and resilient life.
Jennifer Kan

"Jade is a genuine gem emanating an energy that is healing, loving and wise."
She is real and relevant, and supports you to shine in all areas of your life.
Jade’s Mastermind has been a wonderful investment in myself to show up, level up and ultimately liven up in all facets of my life especially family and career. I am now equipped with tools and techniques that empower me to realise my ideal life, and have applied them immediately.
Jade is a modern midwife to whatever you need to birth or change in order to live your best life - Sat Nam.
Isabella Lipinski

"It was so special to be able to be so seen and heard here, in such a high-level space"
This season was rough (with my dad passing), and yet it helped so much being able to tune back into the Mastermind every week. Usually I am the one listening and serving others, and it was so special to be able to be so seen and heard here, in such a high-level space… I am building up my Sovereign Queen Self and am more and more in my Power… I am leaning into Radical Honesty & Accountability, and am finally building my life on what’s true and real for ME, not others…
Linda Preato

Meet Jade
JADE CHEN is a Masterful Soul Guide, and Spiritual and Business Mentor with 30+ years experience in the self-development field. She is an expert at helping high-achieving women clear blocks, conquer self-sabotage and own their power fully.
As the Founder of The Radiant Lotus, she offers Transformational Coaching, Masterminds, and Healing Programs.
She is also Creatrix of her own signature methodologies -- The Ancestral Empowerment Ceremony, the Soul Clearing Method, and The Phoenix Process.
Originally from NYC, Jade's worn many hats, and bridges the worlds of corporate business and shamanic spirituality, urban and elemental life, with grace and ease. In her past life, she managed seven international Art & Real Estate companies, taught full contact fighting, set up art galleries around the globe, and managed multimillion dollar portfolios. Jade also earned her BA in Theology, her MFA in Poetry and wrote her own Amazon Best Selling book, The Radiant Lotus Way.
Jade is trained in various modalities, most prominently — Family Constellations, Shadow Alchemy, Feeding Your Demons, Kundalini Yoga, Ancestral Healing, Soul Retrieval, Martial Arts, Sound Healing, Somatic Experience, Sat Nam Rasayan, NLP, Tantra, Plant-Assisted Therapy, etc.
When she’s not coaching and teaching online, Jade usually dwells at the Adi Shakti Refuge - an off-grid, magical Sanctuary that she founded, at the feet of an active volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii.