Directions to the Sanctuary

We have several houses at the Sanctuary, including:
The Phoenix House, The Ohana House, and Jade's Magical Lava Temple.
There's no real address, but we are in Kalapana Gardens,
20 min south of Pahoa, 45 min south of Hilo Airport.
Coming from PĀHOA:
* KEEP DRIVING SOUTH DOWN HWY 130 towards Kalapana, all the way to the END (about 17 miles).
* Keep going straight, (DO NOT turn left onto Kaimu/Red Road, STAY STRAIGHT ON HWY 130, go towards the "END OF THE ROAD".)
* The paved Highway will end, we are about 2 minutes away now.
* There will be a small barricade of sorts saying "Lava Viewing Area," go past it, KEEP DRIVING about 1 more minute, the road will get pretty bumpy, then smooth out, then narrow down.
* After the empty parking lot, soon you will start to see some houses around and the slope of the Volcano in front of you to your Right.
* On your Left, you will see some homes. AFTER THIS, TAKE YOUR VERY NEXT LEFT AT THE SMALL INTERSECTION through the YELLOW GATE into the neighborhood.
* You will see a Red and Yellow Sign saying “KALAPANA GARDENS.” (Make sure you take this LEFT, otherwise, you will keep going up Chain of Craters Road, towards the Volcano)
* DRIVE STRAIGHT for 20 seconds. (DONT take that first left).
* You will pass a felled water tower and tan shack on your left, and then a SIGN that says “LAVA SANCTUARY”.
* Past all that is when you TURN LEFT INTO MY DRIVEWAY.
* You'll see a 2 story open-air Red House. The Red House is the Lava Temple.
* If you go past it on the left, you will reach The Phoenix House and the Ohana House.
* Plz Park carefully.
* You have arrived!

Enjoy Your Stay